Friday, March 28, 2008


So Brent was running a fever the few days over Easter so I feel kind of guilty I didn't get any pictures of him in his Easter best...however these pictures are from the day before he started getting sick. He has some new tricks as you can see....clapping, and if you blink at him he will blink back and he thinks that is just really funny.

More pics

Beach Boy

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Trip Pics

Here are some pictures from our trip for Mike's graduation...more to follow.

Friday, March 7, 2008

8 mo

Uncle Scott and Brent in new hats

Brent and his toy caterpillar...always up for a good wrestling match.

8 month Profile

Name: Brent Miller

AKA: Stink, Instructor, The Animal

Age: 8 months (21 pounds)

Likes: Handles/knobs/drawers, lights and fans, attacking toy caterpiller, throwing/breaking toys, paper, peek-a-boo, bathtime, stethascopes, rolling anywhich direction

Dislikes: Being tired, ear infections, RSV

Greatest accomplishments: Finally sleeping through the night, two black eyes in one week, army crawling to any destination in site, getting 4 teeth in one week