Monday, September 29, 2008

Mr. Brently

15 months:)

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Big Boy

Brent is quite the big boy now. He is loving to run around, talking up a storm, and is quite the climber. If it there is anyting off the ground he will climb it and think he is so cool. His favorite words are "all done", "ut-oh", "ball", "more", and of course "dada." First think out of his mouth every morning is "dada" and we spend the rest of the day looking for Nick. He has to do everything dada does, drink his morning coffee, stretch, talk on the phone, etc, etc. He is so funny to watch and play with now you just have to wonder what is going on in that little mind of his.

Friday, September 12, 2008

More pictures from Hawaii

Seriously, who gets a rainbow on their wedding day

On top of the lookout at the wedding

At the wedding ceremony

At the top of Diamond Head

At the VERY top of Diamond Head:)

Our cabin on the beach

I love this picture...our "annual" sunset cruise with Sara and Corey...don't ask Nick about the cigar cause apparently it was the "cigar" that made him really sick that night

A sunset from our hotel

Gold Metal Backflip

Don't try this at home. It is actually kind of funny cause several years ago a couple of my girlfriends and I went to Hawaii and when I climb up the rocks the first time I was scared to death to jump but I discovered if I turned around (you can't see how high up you are) and did a back flip off it I wasn't scared at all. Weird yes but so much fun. Sorry about the video...Nick could have cut it off before the close up at the end.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Waimea Bay Beach

Our favorite beach...beautiful and cliff jumping. Working on getting the video up of me doing a back flip off:)

Note to military families...

So Nick and I have been to Hawaii several times but this is the first time we have actually gone the military route and it was pretty nice and saved A LOT of money. We mostly stayed at the Hale Koa on Waikiki which is being rennovated and updated (we of course didn't stay on one of the new floors) but next year it would be really nice to stay at....affordable and on the beach! We also rented a cabin on Bellows Beach which is on the east side of the island at Bellows airforce base and it was awesome...5 feet from the beach, 2 br, kitchen, and living room cabin for $60/ night! Not necessarily 5 star luxury but perfect for a family vacation or multi-family vacation. We wished we would have stayed there the whole time so I was just throwing that bit of wisdom if anyone was planning an upcoming Hawaii trip.