Friday, January 18, 2008

It is offical!

So we went up to Milwaukee for Brent's appointment at the feeding clinic and he did very good with the study--much improved. He still has some swallowing issues as far as some coordination and troubles clearing all the food or milk out of his throat (which is why he sounds congested sometimes after he eats) but there were no episodes of aspiration. So they gave us the go ahead to try to give him all of his feedings this weekend without his feeding tube (the feeding tube he himself decided to pull out several hours before his appointment today). This weekend is kind of a trial run to see if he can successfully go from only getting at most 4 oz by mouth a day to 30 oz all at once. But Brent is definitey up for the challenge. He came home ate some cereal, drank his milk, and he has now been sleeping for a good hour and half (very rare he even makes it to the hour mark for his naps). So he is very happy right now!

Thank you Jesus-- no more feeding tube!!!


Mrs. Hany said...

Yeah!!!!! I'll be praying for you!

Laura said...

Erin -Hallelujah! That is wonderful news. :)

Miriam said...

Yay, we are so excited for Brent and you guys too! What an answer to prayer.

Miriam said...

Yay, we are so excited for Brent and you guys too! What an answer to prayer.

Miriam said...

Yay, we are so excited for Brent and you guys too! What an answer to prayer.