I think this picture is funny cause he just hit his head on the handle trying to stand up for the 50th time

I think it is funny how you can really tell a kids personality by how they react to a new situation...some are real laid back, happy-go-lucky...some are real shy and reserved...and then you have some that are just real serious. Brent falls under the real serious category. I took him to a pumpkin patch this weekend and there were no smiles, no squeals, it was just purely Brent vs. the pumpkin patch and he was there to conquer. He saw every pumpkin as a challenge of whether he could lift it up or not and the wagon was just pure danger...of course he wanted to stand up the whole time in the wagon. We had fun but unfortunately I have no really cute pictures of Brent standing by a pumpkin giggling and smiling...he definitely had his game face on.
I love the serious Brent. So cute.
I love the pics of Brent! Even though he's not smiling, the pics are great. The wagon, the pumpkins.. adorable! I love the pic of the "51st" time he stood up in the wagon... Cute. :)
And you're moving! WOW! Congrats!
I absolutely love love LOVE this post. I kept thinking I had already commented on it. I showed it to my mom and she was laughing hysterically at how cute he is:) He is so serious!!! Love him
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